At first I was considering editing the original course slightly - but not deviating much from the original content. I left a message on the course's discussion page, indicating my intentions.. it didn't appear as though anyone had any objections. On consideration though, I realised that I want to change the content quite a bit.
I want to move the focus away from open educational resources, and onto educational resources generally. The open access and reuse will still be a major component, in fact you could call it a given, weaving its way throughout everything.. 'open ed resources, is there any other way?' in other words. But I also want to focus attention on the skill of searching for reusable content, managing 'libraries' of what you find, and finally how to create - or compose your own educational resources, without getting too bogged down on the intricacies of open ed.
I also want to move it more in the direction of off-line and analogue media as well, to address Internet access issues, which many people mistake as being 'developing nation' needs only.. NZ and Australia therefore are clearly developing nations then. I have some ideas on how online educational resources can be complimentary to things like community radio and news paper - including the communicative aspects of Web2.. ie talk back radio working together with podcasting, and letters-to-the-editor in a similar way.
So, I'm chipping away at this new version on Wikiversity. Composing Educational Resources.

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